We head to the Dracon Trade Center where Baria Frontiers is located. This should be a walk in the park, I think to myself as I approach the doo-OH GOD THE BUILDING JUST EXPLODED.
I wish Liara had had some booze in her apartment I could’ve hit before coming over here, though I did get tanked in Eternity before going to her apartment so I’m still rocking a healthy buzz from that. Explosions have a way of sobering a person up. NOT ME THOUGH, I’VE GOTTEN USED TO EXPLOSIONS.
That Asari Spectre tells me she’ll go in from the top and I should work my up to the Baria Frontiers office from the bottom. Uh, okay. Whatever. I run past some shook up civilians and into the building where priority one is to check for things to loot. This datapad has some credits in it! So does this ATM! Excellent. I will also take this medigel for myself. You injured people wait for a doctor or something!
I find a dead civilian, killed curiously by gunfire and not the explosion. I mention this to Vasir (the other Spectre) who is like “oh this must be more than just an explosion.” Ya think? Oh figured there was just a gas leak or something. I thought maybe some testing on some explosives had gone wrong. They do a lot of explosive testing here, right? Near the gas pipes? Just happens to occur as arrive looking for Liara as we hunt the Shadow Broker. I don’t need Encyclopedia Brown on this case; I think I got a pretty good handle on it myself.
I continue on into the Baria Frontiers office, where I notice that Liara was here as she has taken time to sign the logbook. I know that when I am being hunted by the agents of a mysterious unknown criminal, I take time to sign logbooks. They could chase me into a wedding and I would be like…Where is the guestbook? And I would sign it “Dizzy Shepard, Earth” and the couple would be confused later because they don’t know me; I’m just using their reception as a place to hide. If they chase me into a bathroom, I will hide in a stall with my feet off the floor, carving “SHEPARD WUZ HERE” into the divider. The most important thing to me, when running from people is to leave a good trail with my name everywhere.
I don’t have much time to consider this though as I am quickly attacked by several of the Shadow Broker’s agents. And they are using those annoying ass flashbang grenades. Oh they are extra annoying when you are totally pretty wasted still. I was ALREADY seeing double. You are making my vision and hearing exponentially worse. Thankfully Garrus and Thane handily take care of them, while I throw up in the corner for a minute.
Throwing up, while a sucky process, always results in me feeling just WAY better though. Wow guys, do you have some gum? Because aside from the taste of this asari booze and stomach bile in my mouth, I am feeling way better! What were doing? Oh yeah, looking for Liara.
We continue fighting through these assholes until we finally come across Liara’s contact, only to see him get shot by a Shadow Broker agent. Oh god my reaction time is so slow why didn’t I stop that? The agent is immediately killed by Vasir though, so I’m like, oh cool. I go to talk to her when Liara comes barging into the room, pointing a gun at Vasir.
Whoa whoa whoa, what’s with the guns and the pointing Liara? She’s a spectre and they’ve always been cool right? Wait. I seem to remember one that wasn’t…Liara explains that Vasir tried to kill her and she’s working with the Shadow Broker or something. I’m kind of startled by the sudden flood of information but ultimately we all point our guns at Vasir.
She biotic smashes the glass and biotic insults Liara who biotic protects me and my squad and I biotic try to tackle (head up! lower the shoulder) who biotic falls out the window with me but biotic cushions our landing with biotics. Not that I need your damn cushion, ain’t nothing getting through my bone weaves! Liara leaps out the window as well, and we take off after her.
I yell back to Garrus and Thane.