Lava Them Or Leave Them

So this Archer guy explains to me that in order to stop the VI, I need to fly out to two other stations and flip some override switches. Sounds simple enough. Oh, one station is an old geth ship and the other is in a volcano. After that I can go to the third Project Shitstorm station.

Oh oh, is it in the eye of an actual shitstorm? No, it’s pretty easy to get to actually.

Well then.

I head out to the Hammerhead where Garrus and Thane are still doing stuff with corpses. Guys I said leave that stuff. This isn’t even close to all the dead people we saw anyways, I’m pretty sure. Besides, it’s time for Team SS…to ride again.


While I’m sure the good Dr. Archer would like us to hurry or something, I am taking my time driving my crazy ship thing around. I see some weird deer creatures, so I crash into them. They make a horrifying noise and Garrus and Thane glare at me.


…provisions? eh? Throw it in the back.

I see some dragon-y looking creatures flying around off in the distance so I fire several missiles at them, but they are indifferent to my attacks. Probably for the best. After driving in circles for a while, I finally somehow end up at Prometheus station: the abandoned Geth ship.  I don’t think that’s where I was originally headed, but here I am now! I fly towards what seems to be a shield, and then straight off a cliff, whoops.

Um, sorry, sorry. Look, it’s fine. We’re all fine!

The ship has a giant ass gun, and big shield around it, powered my several shield generators.  I use my amazing brains to get the gun to shoot the shield generators, knocking down its own shield, and then destroying it with my missile. AHAHA I AM BETTER THAN YOU MACHINE. YOU ARE STUPID!

We park the Hammerhead and go inside. In the first room is a inactive Geth Prime, hanging out in a weird egg pod thing. I can’t shoot it. I know this will come up later. Can I put a bomb down or something? This is…can I hack it and have it explode in 2 seconds? It’s right there, I know it will try to shoot me eventually. Let me take care of it now.

Alas, we can’t, and continue through the station, not seeing any geth anywhere. The weird VI thing keeps screeching at me and I start looking to see if maybe there’s an earplug upgrade I missed somewhere. Argh. Shut up I get it screech whatever!

I finally make it to the switch thing I need to flip and go ahead and flip it.  It awakens a bunch of the geth on the ship.

I roll my eyes. See! See! I knew it! Arrgh now we have to FIGHT STUFF, and RUN AWAY FAST.  And then sure enough, as we get back to the room we came in, there’s that Geth Prime, guns ablazing. I hack a couple of the smaller geth and start working on the Geth Prime with Garrus’s badass overload and then before I knew it, it was dead and so was everything else. Huh.

That went well.

We climb back in the Hammerhead and make for the station in the volcano. I’m sure my driving skills will improve vastly between here and there.

I drive right off a ledge, when there was a ramp down about 10 feet to the right. I am so unobservant. I come across a lava flow with large debris in it, and my ship computer says that I can totally land on those, they’ll work. I zip out and land on one and oh god it’s sinking, oh shit oh shit get to the next one, oh god, I hate lava someone else drive, someone else drive oh god jump jump hey we’re here!

We head inside where the main problem seems to be some crazed mechs and of course, more of that screeching.

Not that hard for us though, and we quickly come across a mech in a room doing something and is then startled to see us.  Garrus and Thane shoot his arms and he takes off running. I flip the switch and call Archer to let him know.

The armless mech runs by and I consider shooting it, but I’m on a call and his silly running amuses me. Then BAM someone shoots it! I look over at Garrus, holding his gun.

He gives me a look like

“Yeah, I shot it. You like that, eh Shep? WINK WINK”

We head back to Hammerhead. There’s one last station to attack.



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