The threat of the Collectors finally taken care of, I head upstairs to my cabin and cuddle with Garrus for like 4 hours straight. Slow, methodical, repetitive cuddling. On the bed. On the couch. Back to bed. Just cuddle, cuddle, cuddle.
Finally I decide to see what else in the galaxy needs to be shot/blown up/destroyed and remember that I had some info on the Shadow Broker that I was supposed to take Liara like, forever ago. Um, whoops.
Okay uh, let’s fly to Illium and do this, I suppose. But I’m going to Eternity and getting a drink. And we’re going there first. FIRST. Not afterwards. Well, I suppose afterwards too. Yes, we’re going before, and afterwards, and if I get a moment in between doing stuff, we might swing by there sometime then too.
I take my usual crew of Garrus and Thane, and head to Liara’s office. Hey. How’s it going? So…um, you wanna go get the Shadow Broker, or uh, whatever? I give her the info I have and she practically wets herself with excitement. She says to meet me at her apartment later and runs off, saying I can feel free to use her computer or something. I’m like sweet, I wanna check my email and show Garrus and Thane this funny video I saw earlier where this pyjak is sitting on a branch and then scratches its butt and then fall off the branch.
Unfortunately, I can’t ACTUALLY use the computer.
Liara said meet her later so I assume that means it’s okay to kill some time…at the bar. I drink a few drinks, listen to a few conversations and then decide that it’s late enough to go to Liara’s place. I head to a taxi terminal and I say, “car! Liara’s apartment!” It knows what I mean and takes us right there.
At her apartment I am, well, somewhat shocked to find that things have gone horribly wrong. Not completely shocked because I’ve started to just expect a mess no matter where I’m going. I’m not sure if I’m unlucky or…I mean I was expecting trouble eventually, it just seems to be jumping me sooner and sooner on these little tasks I go on.
Anyway, Liara’s gone, shots have been fired through her window and there’s another Asari Spectre there waiting for me. I’m all, ‘scuse me, best Spectre ever right here. Let me through. They let me in, and I tell the other Spectre, Vasir, that Liara was expecting me and would of course, have left me a note. She wouldn’t have just left, even if people were shooting at it. She’d put up a biotic bubble thing with one hand and awkwardly write a note with the other. She would! She would!
Vasir’s all, whatever, have a look around. So I do, while Garrus and Thane stand around by the door. I start by examining the window where the gun shots came through. Yep, those look like bullet holes all right. I turn around to check out the rest of the place and see a case displaying uh, most of my old armor. I uh…huh. She’s got my old armor. What the…what else of mine does she have? I wonder for a second if maybe she has that Foo Fighters disc that’s been missing since my ship got blown up, but it occurs to me that it’s probably floating in space. I look around some more and head upstairs where hooooly shit this is a nice apartment.
Oh my god look at that fishtank. What the hell!? She has jellyfish! Jellyfish! Garrus! Thane! Go in Liara’s kitchen and see if she’s got any plastic baggies. We are taking these fuckers back to the Normandy. I ain’t got no damn jellyfish.
After digging through all of her belongings and her underwear drawer and checking behind all the paintings for safes, I finally find a data disc where one of Liara’s contacts asks her to meet him at the Baria Frontiers office in the Dracon trade center. Vasir is like “aha sweet!” and I’m little put off by her, to be honest. I grab Garrus and Thane though, and make for the trade center. I suggest we stop for drinks on the way.
But they tell me no.