After saying grace, EDI pulls up the schematics of the collector ship. We decide we need to send in two teams, and one tech specialist to crawl through some vents. Jacob says the vent task is practically a suicide mission and then immediately volunteers.
I take a good long look at him and I think about all the times he’s made me angry since I first met him. A suicide mission huh. Within a suicide mission, huh. Tempting as it is to send him, I decide I want people I can trust and who won’t mess things up, because what if they get someone else killed. I pick Tali.
Miranda then volunteers to lead the second team. Will you damn Cerberus people just shut your traps for one second? Jack is all like aw hell no, I ain’t listening to that tramp. And Jack wasn’t gonna be coming with me so…hmmm
Someone I trust. Someone who will keep people in line. Someone whose steely blue eyes are stearn and commanding, yet you could lose yourself in them if given the chance.
He nods at me, and I grab Thane and Gar-..oh shit. Who will come with me and Thane now!? Umm…I decide finally on Grunt because I like the POP when you hit someone with a concussive shot. It’s just so satisfying.
We climb off the Normandy ready to kick collector ass. Tali heads for the vents. Me, Grunt, and Thane head in one direction and Garrus takes Jack, Miranda, Jacob, Samara, Legion, Mordin, Zaeed, and Kasumi the other direction.
Hey! These teams are a little lopsided, ya think? Garrus is taking eight squad members and I am taking two? The hell?
We start blasting our way through the ship, fighting the collectors, and I can hear the occassional shout of “NICE SHOOTING!” from Garrus over the radio. Oh good, things are going well for them. I would hope so. There are freakin’ nine of them.
Grunt and Thane and I are holding up pretty well too. Harbingers are dropping like glowy flies that aren’t even getting a chance to assume control of a…remote. As soon as they show up, I’m like BAM REAVE! Thane! BAM WARP! BAM HEADSHOT!
Unfortunately I also need to hit some panels so Tali can keep moving in the vents where she complains that it’s quite hot. I tell her to just, ya know, turn on one of the fans in her suit or whatever. I know that thing has fancy temperature controls! Don’t lie to me!
As we round a corner, there’s three collectors standing there having a smoke break or something. I reave one, Thane warps another, and Grunt hits the last with a concussive shot. They all fall in a heap and I honestly stood there for a moment, laughing at them.
Finally we’re getting to the meeting spot with the second team. Doors need opening, doors need closing, oh god shoot them, hold them back and then finally we’re safe, for the moment.